Monday, August 28, 2017


So I survived Harvey, so y'all don't need to worry the biggest part about this week was that Elder Torres and Elder Day from Rockport are staying with us. But quite frankly there's clear skies and little wind here so we are just fine have had no rain. Really nothing much else to speak of this week other than I'm alive and have no time for much more than pictures for now

Picture of the worst of the Weather and me. A baptism of Brother Perales we had the other week, and the weather now(looking towards the storm).

"Heaven will not be heavenly, for those who have not chosen to BE heavenly"
- Prof. Brad Wilcox

Elder HarKer
200 W. La Vista Ave.
McAllen, TX 78501

Picture of the worst of the Weather

A baptism of Brother Perales we had the other week

the weather now...looking towards the storm

Monday, August 14, 2017

So this week (received 8/14)

This week was crazy, I am back to driving the car (couldn't due to surgery) and we had 10 baptismal interviews to do, 6 for us and 4 for the sisters 
Mon- got a haircut
Tues-zone meeting, I'm in a "relief society zone" more sister than elders, we had several trainings on sacrament meeting, which I had prior applied to our area so nothing new changed. I did just barely start before hand. 
Wed-Worked in McAllen today, did a lot of tracting
Thurs- Did family history with the Robles Family and did our own as well, went by a recent convert named Liborio, tracted over into Alamo today
Fri- today was all interviews, the Gallegos family and Hector got their interviews 
Sat- the sisters had a family who need their interviews today so that took a long time, cleaned the baptismal font
Sun- Had some problems with scheduling, but everything worked out worked with ward counsel to help some less actives and l.a. youth.

I hope all of you are having a great week this week, will talk next Monday!

"Heaven will not be heavenly, for those who have not chosen to BE heavenly"
- Prof. Brad Wilcox

Elder HarKer
200 W. La Vista Ave.
McAllen, TX 78501

Thursday, August 3, 2017


its actually crazy this time. Basically around 1:30 on the 29th i began to feel a pain in my abdomen, this pain continued until i ended work and went home to rest, i went to the communist doctors office(urgent care) they did a blood test and it came back that i had 2 blood infections, they gave me a shot and sent me home. I got home had the worst night of sleep ever and went to church, then went back home for a good few hours then back to work. The mission nurse and my comp had me go to the doctors office(dr. Zavatela) and he took one look at the lab work and where the pain was and sent me to the E.R. after a C.T. scan the verdict was in i needed my appendix removed. SO they pumped me up with anesthesia and cut me open and used a robot to cut it out. Woke up and i was talking in Spanish asking about Los Tigres and Los Chivas(two rival mexican soccer teams) i was wheeled into a room and stayed there untill Aug 2, i hate hospitals. But it was really fun and interesting of an adventure! Well hope yall had a great week see you next monday

Monday being admitted to the hospital
with new companion Elder Batty

Ready for surgery

post surgery

post surgery and his bday
present was finally delivered

with President and Sister Torres

Wednesday Morning ready to go home

Wednesday lunch after being discharged 

Happy Pioneer Day

Happy dia de los Pioneros! everyone
 well this lack of time that I have is a killer but here's some highlights from the last two weeks

Joel Cervantes got baptized and confirmed 

i received my "dead call" basically the call to figure out my travel plans for october

The Gallegos family reset their baptismal date for the 6th of August and are waiting for the mom to receive an answer from the spirit whether the book of Mormon is true or not

Texas McAllen missionaries now have facebook! im unfortunately unable to accept friend requests from those not of the south of texas(sorry so dont send me any)

We are also now going to be cleaning the churchouse with the youth and then playing games with them afterwards to help them get involved in activities and sharing the gospel

and we have gotten transfer calls, Elder Fielden is going to Corpus Christi
and i'm staying my next comp will be revealed in next weeks email

well we got to go but i hope y'all have a great week!

"Heaven will not be heavenly, for those who have not chosen to BE heavenly"
- Prof. Brad Wilcox

Elder HarKer
200 W. La Vista Ave.
McAllen, TX 78501